Get Career Ready

Be prepared for opportunities you didn't anticipate:
Get career ready today!

Career Transitions

Transitioning to a new career or coming back after a gap can be fun, rewarding and easier than you think.

Offer Decisions

Deciding on your next career step can be empowering with ProValues.

Brand You

Polish your personal brand, it is your largest asset and will be with you throughout your career.

Empowering Engineering Graduates at SFU

February 10, 2024
After hosting our first ProValues (PV) discussion 15 years ago with a group of PhD Engineers, our PV team was thrilled to present at the kick-off session for the Engineering Graduate Students Career Seminar at Simon Fraser University. The session helped students poised to embark on their career journeys to understand the role that understanding your values can play in a career search and in managing your career over the long-term.

Insights from ProValues Sessions

November 29, 2022
Over the past several months, we rolled out ProValues to several corporate teams, MBA student groups and alumni organizations. Though there remain signs of a softening labor market, forward-thinking leaders continue to explore how to improve retention of their key talent.

Layoffs Suck

November 15, 2022
My first meeting with a career coach years ago was deeply painful. Less than a week after being totally blindsided by my company’s decision to forgo a promotion (which meant I was required to transition out), I was expected to start the hunt for something new. Diagnostics. Strengths assessments. Vision statements. Career inventory. Values sorts. Each one offered new insight into choices that I would need to make.

Release Notes for ProValues 2.0

July 16, 2022
Over the past few months, the team has been hard at work implementing feedback from ProValues users who offered their perspectives on how to make the tool better than ever. We're excited to release several new changes that we hope will improve your experience, including....

“My buddy just got an offer for twice what I’m making. Am I crazy to stay?”

June 11, 2021
When people graduate from college or graduate programs, compensation is often managed to align with industry or functional expectations. Parity, right? That perception holds until you have your first conversations with peers in the workplace, and realize that not everyone has the same compensation, especially at the 12 to 18-month mark as people begin to explore new paths and options. Compensation can be a deeply personal topic, one that is almost always filled with uncertainty and speculation. Forums like Blind and Glassdoor can provide some datapoints, but inconsistent opinions from anonymous sources, wide compensation ranges, and lack of verifiability of user-reported datapoints can lead to more questions than answers. This is particularly true in 2021, when the job market is overheated and compensation trends are fast-changing.