
Make the right career decisions for you and your team.

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ProValues empowers professionals to take ownership of their careers.  


High-performing professionals are faced with limitless possibilities about potential career pathways.  With the upswing in remote work, the social mediazation of careers, and new technologies catalyzing novel industries and roles, deciding on the right next step can feel overwhelming.

ProValues simplifies career decisions. The ProValues exercise provides users with a personalized decision tool and insights on how to make values-aligned decisions so that they have the confidence to make career decisions that are right for them.

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Review your customized report, evaluating past and future roles. Your personalized report will provide you networking guidance to use when evaluating roles and suggest ways to improve your current in-role satisfaction.


Evaluate as many career options as you would like. Update your values over time to reflect your changing priorities and situations. Include true deal breakers to save yourself time in the job search process.


Access ProValues as many times as you’d like over the course of your career. Employ the exercise any time you face career questions. Considering a change? Trying to figure out how to improve satisfaction? Revisit the exercise any time to identify ways to move ahead.

I loved the exercise and the structure. It really helped me to think through and highlight what I care about.

ProValues User

After agonizing over whether I should stay in my current role or pursue an MBA, ProValues helped me arrive at my decision. I am thrilled to join Wharton this fall and am certain ProValues will guide me through difficult career decisions during my MBA and beyond.

ProValues user

I first used ProValues 2 years ago when I was deciding whether or not to take a job offer. I was so excited about the job, but it was a non-traditional choice and I was worried about what others would think if I took it. ProValues equipped me to see that the job was much more in line with my values. I am proud to say that I took the job, have absolutely loved it, and have a much clearer sense of my career direction now!

ProValues User

I first used ProValues when selecting my post-MBA job. It helped me to clarify my choice and offered specific ways to make the most out of my role. I found it even more valuable a year later to return to the exercise and identify what's changed about my priorities. I'd recommend ProValues to anyone looking to make choices in their career.

ProValues User