Get Career Ready

Be prepared for opportunities you didn't anticipate:
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Career Transitions

Transitioning to a new career or coming back after a gap can be fun, rewarding and easier than you think.

Offer Decisions

Deciding on your next career step can be empowering with ProValues.

Brand You

Polish your personal brand, it is your largest asset and will be with you throughout your career.

How Failure Makes Us Stronger!

February 24, 2017
Failure is tough on all of us. Whether a missed shot to win the game, a bad grade, or unrequited love, failure triggers emotions like sadness, fear, and anxiety that we generally wish to avoid in life. However, in seeking to avoid failure, we all risk curtailing our successes as well. Many people we work with remain wary of failure (we're sometimes scared of it too), leading some to pivot to their backup plans (e.g., returning to their pre-MBA industries) before fully pursuing their goals. While doing so might protect you in the short term, the long-term costs of opportunities lost are immeasurable. Perhaps you could have launched your software idea and gotten funded. Or scaled your existing restaurant business nationwide. Or established your African VC firm. Why not take some risks, especially when you're young?

Benefits of Investing in Women

February 18, 2017
Highly recommended article from the World Economic Forum on the importance of investing in women. Gender inequality remains an issue many of our clients, both men and women, in economies at all stages of development, struggle with. We have heard many first-hand stories of women having a more difficult time being listened to during meetings, feeling disproportionate pressure balancing work and family priorities, and finding fewer mentors and advocates with which to accelerate their careers. As a result, productivity for all of us suffers.

Interview attire

February 13, 2017
In the lead-up to interviews, we have heard a lot of questions about interview attire. As you know, your attire will be part of the first impression you offer your interviewer – and you want that first impression to be great!

How to decide between multiple offers

January 07, 2017
Sometimes the stars align when you are job hunting, and you end up with multiple offers at the same time. This is where the voices of others, and the voice of self-doubt can start to negatively impact your career decisions. Our team has been there, and we understand what a difficult choice it can sometimes be. But now is the time to be true to yourself and get analytical about your career decisions.

Career Decisions – Increase Your Confidence as You Navigate Your Path

January 07, 2017
Navigating your career path with confidence can allow you to focus on the core decisions at hand, not doubts or the doubts of others. As a professional, you need to portray a level of confidence and self-assurance that comes from truly understanding who you are, and where you want to go. ProValues provides you a framework to gain that confidence in what you value most out of future opportunities.